
Oleksiy Balabay



Table of Contents

1. Overview
System requirements
2. Typical workflow
Create new project
Add background image
Resize plan
Calibrate (set scale)
Add borders
Add polygons and other graphics shapes
Shape selection
Edit shape geometry
Add library items
Format shape
Add tooltips and background images
Add custom properties
Save, print and export
3. Libraries
Create library
Add item to library
Edit item in library
Save library
4. Feedback

Chapter 1. Overview


GdnPlanner may be used to create simple 2D plans of your garden or flat (see image Garden example).

It provides the library with basic shapes for garden (on the left in the image) and main drawing area. Library may be extended with shapes created by the user, and new libraries may be created.

For each shape user may specify any number of custom properties (see image Properties).

System requirements

Application may run on Windows and Linux.

It was tested on Windows 7 and OpenSuse 42.1 Leap.

Chapter 2. Typical workflow

Create new project

Select New item from File menu to create new project. Also Ctrl+N key combination or toolbar button may be used to create new project. New project window is shown in image New project.

Add background image

Frequently user has some 'official' documents for the garden, and the document may contain the plan. In that case it is helpful to scan the plan page and use it as a background to draw plan. Select Add background... item from Edit menu to add background image, then choose the graphics file in the Background file selection dialog. See example in the image Background image.

Resize plan

In many cases background image does not fit the plan area. So, the plan should be resized.

Select Resize plan item from Edit menu to adjust plan size. Markers on the screen will indicate current plan size (see image Resize plan).

Use mouse to drag the markers and adjust plan size. Repeat steps if necessary. Final state is shown in image Resized plan.

Calibrate (set scale)

Now it is time to set the scale of our plan. Select Calibrate item from Edit menu. Draw line using mouse between two points with known distance between them (red arrows in the image Calibrate). Release mouse button, enter distance (in meters) in the displayed Calibrate dialog and press OK. In our case the distance is known from the background image (see red circles in image Calibrate).

Now all distances will be displayed in accordance to the scale set during the calibration. Distance usually is displayed in status bar at the bottom of the application window. For example, try to select some area on the screen with mouse to see the distance (see image Distance display).

Now it is a good time to save the project. Select Save item from File menu and enter the file name. By default project files use extension gdn.

Add borders

Select Add Line item from Edit menu to draw polyline (open polygon). Also toolbar button may be used to draw polyline. Each click with left mouse button adds a vertex. Do not keep mouse button pressed while drawing the line. Use right mouse button click to finish. Use Esc key to cancel line drawing. Incorrect position of some vertex can be fixed in future (see below). Line width, color and pattern may be selected from Format menu or from toolbar. Let's draw two lines over garden borders as shown in image Borders (borders are not drawn on walls an on gates).

To adjust vertex position select the line shape and click with left mouse button on the selected line. Application will switch to vertex editing mode (see image Vertex edit mode). In this mode it is possible to:

  • move each vertex - just drag it with mouse;

  • add new vertex - use right mouse button to call context menu, then select Insert vertex item. Or just press Insert key;

  • delete vertex - put mouse over the vertex, call for context menu and select Delete vertex item. Or just press Ctrl+D keys.

Add polygons and other graphics shapes

Next step is to add shapes for house, garage and WC - all of them are shown on the plan background image. The house shape will be created using polygon (closed polyline, last vertex is connected with the first vertex). Such closed shape may be filled. Fill color and fill pattern may be selected from Format menu or from toolbar. Vertexes are added to polygon in the same way as to the line, and vertex editing is possible in the same manner.

Select Add Polygon item from Edit menu to draw polygon. Also toolbar button may be used to draw polygon. After drawing the polygon around the house the fill color was selected from Format menu. Also roof is added as some lines. Garage and WC are also drawn like a filled polygon.

After that the text House was placed over the house shape. Select Add Text from Edit menu to add text. Also toolbar button may be used to add text. After that click with left mouse button at the point where the text should be displayed. Enter the text in the Add text dialog and press OK. Text font may be set via Format menu or toolbar button.

The result is shown in image Polygon and Text.

At this stage all data from the background image are used, and it may be removed. Select Remove background from Edit menu. Result is shown in image No background.

Other shapes may be added to project:

  • Rectangle. Select Add Rectangle item from Edit menu to draw rectangle. Also toolbar button may be used to draw rectangle. Click left mouse button at the top left corner of rectangle and drag mouse till the bottom right corner of the rectangle. Release mouse button. New rectangle shape will be added. If Ctrl is pressed during mouse drag then square will be added. Rectangle vertexes may be edited in the same way as polygon and polyline - after such editing rectangle may be transformed to polygon;

  • Ellipse. Select Add Ellipse item from Edit menu to draw ellipse. Also toolbar button may be used to draw ellipse. Ellipse is specified using bounding rectangle. Click left mouse button at the top left corner of bounding rectangle and drag mouse till the bottom right corner of the rectangle. Release mouse button. New ellipse shape will be added. If Ctrl is pressed during mouse drag then circle will be added;

  • Arc. Select Add Arc item from Edit menu to draw arc. Also toolbar button may be used to draw arc. Arc is specified using bounding rectangle. Click left mouse button at the top left corner of bounding rectangle and drag mouse till the bottom right corner of the rectangle. Release mouse button. New arc shape will be added. Arc is a part of ellipse, it is defined by 3 points and axial ratio of ellipse. Axial ratio may be changed by resize of arc, 3 points may be re-located in the editing mode similar to polygon vertex editing - see image Arc.

Shape selection

Shape may be selected. Selected shape is indicated by green dotted rectangle and markers (see image Borders). Some markers may be not shown if resize is not supported in that direction. Normally shape is selected by mouse click. Hold the Ctrl key pressed while clicking the mouse to select more than one shape. Also shapes may be selected by rubber band. Press and hold left mouse button and move the mouse - rubber band will be displayed on the screen (see image Distance display). On mouse button release the shapes inside the rubber band will be selected. Choose Select All item from View menu or use key combination Ctrl+A to select all shapes on the screen.

Edit shape geometry

Shape geometry may be edited in the following way:

  • Move. Choose Select item from Edit menu or use toolbar button. Select shape(s), click left mouse button on one of them and drug. Selected shape(s) will be moved.

  • Resize. Choose Select item from Edit menu or use toolbar button. Select shape, click left mouse button on one of the markers around the shape and drug the marker. Selected shape will be resized. Hold Ctrl key to keep ratio on corner markers.

  • Rotate. Select Rotate item from Edit menu or use toolbar button. Select shape. Markers change the color, cursor over marker change the shape to . Click left mouse button on one of the markers around the shape and drug the marker. Shape will be rotated.

  • Edit vertex. Polyline, polygon vertexes (see image Vertex edit mode) and arc control points (see image Arc) may be edited after the second click on the selected shape.

  • Selected shapes may be grouped. Select Group item from Edit menu or use toolbar button to group shapes. Key combination Ctrl+G also works.

  • Selected group may be un-grouped. Select Ungroup item from Edit menu or use toolbar button to ungroup shapes. Key combination Ctrl+U also works. Polyline (not polygon!) may be split into pieces also with ungroup command - select polyline to split and call ungroup command.

  • Shapes can overlap. Select Bring to front item from Edit menu or use key combination Alt+<Right arrow>to display selected shape(s) over other shapes. Select Send to back item from Edit menu or use key combination Alt+<Left arrow>to display selected shape(s) under other shapes.

Let's perform some actions on our example project:

  • group all shapes related to house (select with rubber band and press Ctrl+G);

  • group all shapes on the screen into one group (press Ctrl+A to select all, press Ctrl+G to group);

  • rotate the group until top border is oriented horizontally (use rotate mode).

The result is shown in image Rotated plan.

Add library items

Application supports libraries of predefined shapes. Default library file extension is gdnlib. Library with basic shapes for garden is located in examples directory. examples directory on Windows is available in the application installation directory. examples directory on Linux is available in /usr/share/gdnplanner directory.

Select Open Library... item from Library menu or use toolbar button to open the library. Go to the examples directory in displayed Open Library file dialog and select garden.gdnlib file. Press OK. Library will be displayed (see image Garden library).

Select a Car item in the library and drag-n-drop it to garage. Select newly added Car shape and rotate it to fit in garage, as shown on image Car in garage.

In the same way other items from library may be added to the plan to get very close to the garden plan shown on image Garden example.

Library editing and adding new items to the library is described in Libraries section.

Format shape

The following tools are available for shape formatting in Format menu (see image Format tools):

  • Line width

  • Line pattern

  • Line color

  • Fill pattern

  • Fill color

  • Font

Also the tools may be used via Format toolbar. Current value of the tool is used for all new shapes. Select shapes and apply new tool value to set it to the selection. Value is updated for all children shapes if shape is a group.

Another useful tool Use format is available in Shape menu and in Shape toolbar. It sets the format tool values to the values of the selected shape.

Add tooltips and background images

Each shape may have tooltip. Select shape and call Edit tooltip from Shape menu or use toolbar button. Edit property dialog will be displayed - tooltip is one of the shape properties, see Add custom properties. Call the dialog for Car shape as shown in image Tooltip. Enter tooltip text and press Save.

Tooltip will be displayed when user moves mouse over the item (see image Car tooltip).

Shapes that may be filled (polygon, rectangle, ellipse, circle) support background image. This property is widely used in Garden library - almost all library items have background image.

Select shape and call Edit background image from Shape menu or use toolbar button. Edit property dialog will be displayed - background image is one of the shape properties, see Add custom properties. Call the dialog for Car shape as shown in image Car background image.

Use ... button to select different image file for the background image. All images are stored in project file. So, if big image is selected then it is scaled to 200x200 size (keeping aspect ratio) and used as a background image.

Tooltip and background image are just custom properties with predefined names. User may define other custom properties as described in Add custom properties.

Add custom properties

For each shape user may specify any number of custom properties. Custom property consists of:

  • name - string to identify the property. Property names may duplicate. Property name should not be empty. In case if value has measurement units it is useful to add the unit name to this property, for example "Height (cm)";

  • type - string ("string property example"), integer (42, -1), decimal (3.14, -1.23e-1), date & time (2016-01-01 00:00:01), logical (yes, no) and image. Image size is automatically reduced to 200x200 keeping aspect ratio;

  • value - property value of the specified type;

  • description - optional string to clarify property meaning.

Some custom property names have special meaning for the application:

  • tooltip (string) - shows shape tooltip, see Add tooltips and background images;

  • background_image (image) - shows shape background image (if supported for this type of shapes), see Add tooltips and background images;

  • shape_type (string) - item name in library. All shapes added to project from the library will have the same value of this property as item in the library. Generated automatically for each item in the library, but may be changed by the user;

  • shape_lib (string) - library name. Just for reference where the shape may be found. Generated automatically for each item in the library. No reason to change by the user;

  • shape_icon (image) - icon of the item in the library. Generated automatically for each item in the library, but may be changed by the user;

Let's add Year of manufacture property to our Car shape. Do the following to add the custom property to the shape:

  • select shape;

  • select Properties... item from Shape menu or use toolbar button. Edit properties dialog will be displayed (see image Custom properties dialog);

  • Click Add... button. Property Wizard dialog will be displayed (see image Property Wizard). Predefined property section allows to add tooltip and background image. Selection of this option will navigate to correspondent dialogs from Add tooltips and background images. To add other property select Custom property and specify property type. Select Integer in our case. Click Next;

  • Next wizard page will be displayed (see image Integer property). Enter values and press Finish;

  • Edit properties dialog will be displayed with new property in the list (see image Edit new property). Selected property may be edited in Details: section of the dialog. Also selected property may be deleted using Delete... button;

  • Press OK to save changes into the shape.

Save, print and export

Select Save item from File menu to save the project. By default project files use extension gdn.

Select Save As... item from File menu to save the project in different file.

It is possible to export project to image. Select Export to image... item from File menu and specify image file name in Save image dialog (see image Exported image).

Also it is possible to print project using Print... item from File menu.

Chapter 3. Libraries

Create library

Select New Library item from Library menu to create new library or press toolbar button. New library will be created as shown in image New library.

If you work with many libraries then it may be useful to specify library name and description. Press Edit library button on library's toolbar. Edit library settings dialog will be displayed (see image Library settings). Enter library name and description, then press OK.

Library name will be displayed in the dock window caption, but some combinations of OS/Window manager do not support this. Also library name is shown under the library toolbar, and description is shown as a tooltip for library name.

Add item to library

Do the following to add the shape to the library:

  • Select shape;

  • Select Add to Library item from Library menu or press toolbar button in application Library toolbar.

  • Selected shape will be added as an item to the library. Item name and icon are generated automatically. Follow instructions in Edit item in library to modify them.

Edit item in library

Shape custom properties are describer in Add custom properties. The same properties editor is available for library items. Select the item in the library and press toolbar button on the library toolbar above the list of library items.

Select library item and press F2 to edit in-place the item text. You may also edit the value of shape_type property in the properties editor.

Select library item and call context menu (right mouse button click). Select Edit icon... item from context menu to edit item's icon in the library. You may also edit the value of shape_icon property in the properties editor.

Save library

Press Save toolbar button on library toolbar to save the library to file. By default library files use extension gdnlib.

Press Save As... toolbar button on library toolbar to save the library to different file.

Chapter 4. Feedback

Please send you feedback to with GdnPlanner in the subject.